Registration and Information site will open the week commencing 24th March

The Global Gathering is where FCTG’s best come together to celebrate the year’s successes. 

From 11th – 13th July, the company’s 2000 top achievers worldwide will be heading to Los Angeles to celebrate everything that this exciting city and the Global Gathering have to offer.

In FCTG, our people are more than employees, they are part of the family. As such we want to look after them holistically so they can perform their job at their best. We provide services to look after their physical and emotional health as well as their finance. We show genuine care and concern for our people coming to work and seek to improve all areas of their life. 

Working at FCTG, and within the Travel Industry, there are tough days – but we have happy, capable people who have fun at work, and that delivers the best results for our customers, our suppliers and our company. 

Recognising the enormous achievements of our employees around the world is hugely important to Flight Centre Travel Group and the Global Gathering is the optimum opportunity to do just that.

The Global Gathering Conference and Awards aim to: 

  • Provide, via conferencing, informative and entertaining educational sessions for employees. 
  • Celebrate achievement, professionalism, and innovation within the company. 
  • Provide a benchmark for best practice. 
  • Promote the host destination and local tourism. 
  • Encourage the continual raising of standards.
  • Publicly recognise and reward excellence.
  • Reinforce the value of hard work and company philosophies.

How long to go?
